OK, I lied. I'm only going to tell you one secret of article writing: it's that magazines have gone number crazy. Check the newstands and you'll see that magazines in almost every category feature articles that include numbers. Here's an example from a magazine I picked up today, Men's Health Best Life:
* Stay Young, Retire Rich - 5 Best New Investments
* 9 Smart New Brain Boosters
* The Sexually Satisfied Wife - 3 Must-Have Moves
* Be a (Much) Better Man - 55 Rules for Living the Best Life
* 19 Essential Guy Skills Every Man Must Now
* 45 New Ideas that Will Change Your Life Forever!
* 8 Secrets of Super-Successful Fatherhood
Now, as a reader, I'm getting tired of the hype (it's very seldom that the content matches the cover promises), but as someone who sometimes writes article as well as fiction, this phenomenon tells me that right now if I want to sell an article, I'd be smart to come up with some numbers. You might want to consider doing the same, it might make you ten times as successful (maybe even 33 times...).