Chris Stewart is the author of the international best-seller, Driving Over Lemons. In Writing Magazine ( he talked about his writing routine, or rather his lack of one: "Every day I think, This is the beginning of a new me. And it isn't. It is a miracle that I get anything done, really. I fear that if I mess around too much with the old me, I might lose whatever shadow of talent it is I have. I might lose the spontaneity. So I think it is best to leave the inner man alone and go sailing through the waters of chaos."
Still, he's written a lot and he says, "Little by little, I'm coming to think of myself as a writer. I find it quite hard to take on board because I've spent all my life making a living out of manual labor of one kind or another. But it's nice to have a complete change of career around mid-life." (During the three years he was writing Driving Over Lemons, he was farming and shearing sheep.)