I often hear the question, "How much should I aim to write? How many words per day?" Obviously this depends on your circumstances and how easily the words flow for you (sometimes the words that come the fastest are the best, other times they require the most revisions later). But it was interesting to read what John Updike said about this recently, in an interview at charlotte.com, the web site of the Charlotte Observer:
"When I set out, I decided that about 1,000 words a day would be a good quota. ...Maintaining this modest demand on myself has produced a fair number of books."
That's an understatement...he's written 22 novels and more than 100 short stories,and he's won two Pulitzers, two National Book Awards, and a huge following.
At 74, he still delights in the process of writing: "Covering blank paper with new thoughts or new visions is not easy and doesn't get easier...But nevertheless, I can still get excited [by it]."