Here's the new business card, ready for the launch of the YOUR WRITING COACH book -- I now have official publication dates: April 12 for the UK, May 21 for the US.
Later I'll also have some postcards made that feature the cover of the book on one side, but I liked this bright, colorful design to get started with--it's from
Book promotion gurus say you need to kick off your efforts at least 90 days in advance, so now things go into high gear. I'm working on the website, the podcast, and sending out lots of free articles via I'm also contacting book festivals and other events that might want a speaker.
Of course I'll also be talking about the book at the workshops I teach. At the moment, I have a class scheduled in Slovenia (!) next weekend, and then in Newcastle, Nottingham, and London.
The gurus agree: there is no quick fix (unless you get on Oprah or Richard & Judy...), so promotion is a matter of consistent, steady effort. And while writers can do a lot of this ourselves, I am considering employing a publicist in the US--if you can suggest a great one, please let me know at [email protected].
I'll keep you posted here on what works and what doesn't, in case you also have or are planning to have a book or other project that you want to promote.