If there's something you've put off doing and you're ready to take action, creativity coach John Williams is hosting a Block Busting Day on Tuesday, March 27.
The idea is that you pick a task you've been procrastinating about, clear the day, and do it. John will be available on the phone line and an online chat line for support. You can find our more and register for the next one at www.blockbustingday.com. There's no charge for taking part.
I've advocated a similar strategy that you can follow on your own--my title for it is MAD (Massive Action Day). If you can't participate on March 27, you can still have a MAD if you follow a few simple guidelines. Here are my six MAD tips:
1) Block out the day and honor that commitment even if other things come up; 2) Have all your necessary tools and resources ready at the the start of the day so you don't waste any time; 3) Break the task into chunks and check each one off as you accomplish it; 4) Build at least a fifteen-minute break into each 90-minutes of work time, and during your break get up and move around, drink plenty of water, and have healthy snacks ready; 5) If you encounter a block, rather than give up, try to work around it and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it; 6) At the end of the day, celebrate your achievements and, if necessary, block out another MAD to progress or finish the task.
If a full MAD is too much of a commitment for you, you can start with a half-MAD.