OK, you're sitting there with an idea for a non-fiction book, but you're wondering...would anybody really buy a book on this topic, or is it just too weird to interest a publisher or readers?
As Rod Serling might have said on the original "Twilight Zone" when I was a kid: "Exhibit A. For your consideration, a book that exists not in a parallel universe, but in our very own backyard...."
It's called "Milk, Eggs, Vodka."
Here's the blurb: "Milk, Eggs, Vodka features over 150 found grocery lists--funny lists, sad lists, unhealthy lists, organized lists, party lists--everything from the mundane to the marginally insane. This voyeuristic look at the private lives of our fellow shoppers is a find."
No, it's not self-published. And you know what? I'd probably read it.
(PS: Just to let you know that --fingers crossed-- our server problems are over and the www.yourwritingcoach.com site is back up.)