On his Global Moxie blog, Josh Clark writes about “magic boxes, canned chaos, and creative totems,” pointing out that “the process of creation depends on flashes of inspiration, moments where you manage to leap out of your usual groove and see things from a new perspective.”
I think a sense of mystery is something that comes naturally to kids but we lose it as we get older, and sometimes we need some kind of prompt to help us get it back. Clark mentions the “826” non-profit writing labs that author Dave Eggers has set up to teach kids how to write. They are located behind whimsical storefronts—for example, one is the “Brooklyn Superhero Supply” store, where the stock includes capes, masks, and cans of “Chaos” spray. Another one is a “Pirate Supply Store.” The kids go through a secret passage to get to the writing lab. What a great idea! (see a movie about the 826 labs here). Regardless of your age, wouldn't it be cool to go through some kind of secret passage to get to where you do your writing?
If you find your sense of wonder flagging, go out and find something that can act as a creative totem for you, maybe something that reminds you of the sense of wonder you used to have as a kid. Some of mine include a bust of Frankenstein, some tiny Tim Burton figurines, and an unusual old pen. What works for you?