Sometimes it's good to take a little break and feed your head by looking at the cool stuff other people have written or made. is a great place for doing that. It's run by a design company, but its offerings are eclectic. Here's their own description:
"The site is about British novelist Zadie Smith reading Frank O'Hara's poem Animals into our answering machine. It's about Steve driving from Iowa listening to nothing but Dancing Queen. It's about Abelardo Morell turning hotel rooms into pinhole cameras. It's about the Dane drinking tea and the owner of the yellow house smoking Dunhills. It's about the rules of cricket, a cartoon Sasquatch, counting to three, crashing airliners full of dummies and breaking all the commandments before breakfast. Or maybe it's about a guy named Stanley, a building by Mies, George Saunders at the library, a chalkboard in the washroom or a museum full of museums.
Hope that helps. Lots of new stuff is on the way including some changes to the site. Maybe then it will all make sense. But don't count on it."
One of their newer features is what they call the Swap Meat, which features limited-edition products of various kinds (t-shirts, posters, books, etc.) submitted by the site's readers. Even if you don't buy anything, you'll be intrigued by what's on offer, and it might just give you some fresh ideas for your writing.