I posted an ad online recently, looking for a part-time PR assistant to help me promote my book. I've had a few good responses, and also two that perfectly illustrate how NOT to write a letter of application, or a query letter, or do a pitch.
The first started this way: "This sounds like the perfect opportunity for me."
Of course I want this to be a win-win situation but my first concern is whether hiring you is a perfect opportunity for ME, and that's true of everybody you will pitch to or to whom you might write a query or book proposal. Many people have pointed out that we are wired to wonder every minute of the day, WIIFM? (What's in it for me?).
The second one described how passionate the applicant is about making films.
I admire her passion, and it's true the post for the job was on a site targeted to film-makers. If I were hiring someone to help me make films, this person probably would be my first choice. But that's not the job. Similarly, when you're pitching or writing a query letter, you have to be sure that you're addressing the right person with the right thing.