Think maybe you’re too old to write that novel? Think again (unless you’re over 90…)
The Los Angeles Times says, "Bowl of Cherries," the debut novel from 90-year-old author Millard Kaufman, is full of twisted family dynamics, romantic obsessions and wholly improbable story line delivered in a deadpan voice simmering with mirth."
He was nominated for two Oscars in the 50’s. He told reporter Steffie Nelson, "I decided, knowing that nobody my age gets work in movies, and that I had to do something, otherwise I'd get into terrible trouble, that I would try writing a novel. It always kind of interested me, but as long as I was busy I never got around to doing it."
"I don't know what I'm writing until I see it on paper," Kaufman admitted, "and that was the case here. I wanted to get it down and take a look at it and see what direction it could go. And there were a number of directions I could have gone, and I went in all of them."
His secret, after being a writer for seventy years or so: "You just put one word after another. If you do it long enough, you got some pages."
Still think you're too old to start writing?