Via the always excellent I found that poet Dorothea Lasky is holding her own unique version of a book tour. Here’s how she describes it:
"I am going to squeeze a book tour into my Philadelphia apartment, and invite guests to experience the readings by joining me there and here on this website. Guest readers, musicians, dancers and other performers will join me for a series of readings in the kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedroom, fire escape, and hallway. It is my big hope to both gain agency over the event of a poetry reading, as well as demystify the experience for a larger poetry-hungry audience, by providing easy access to my readings over the internet."
Videos are up at The camera person need to drink less coffee (or get a tripod), and I think maybe I’d rather read Dorothea’s poems than listen to them...still, what a great idea—if you do something similar for your writing project, do you think your local media would pick up on it? I think so.