Times change but some lines of dialogue just never seem to go away. Here is a countdown of old favorites that you may want to avoid:
10: “You’re pregnant? That’s…that’s wonderful.”
9: “You have no idea what you’re asking me to do.”
8: “Whatever it is…it’s not human.”
7: “It’s only one last job, I swear it.”
6: “You have nothing to worry about, we’re just doing some routine tests.”
5: “How long have we known each other? Ten years? Twelve?”
4: “You don’t know who you’re messin’ with!”
3: “How long? How long have you been seeing that slut?”
2: “There’s no way! It’s not humanly possible!”
1: “There’s…there’s something I haven’t told you.”
(Feel free to add your favorites by leaving a comment!)