Here's another idea for getting over writer's block or if you just need somethingt to stimulate your thinking:
Turn on the TV. Turn off the sound. Turn to a station playing a dramatic (or comedy) programme that you don't know. Try these three exercises:
1. Watch for three minutes, then turn it off and decide what the story could have been about. Try to come up with a beginning, middle and end into which the scene(s) you saw would fit.
2. Watch for one minute. Then try to relate whatever seemed to be happening on the screen to the story you are working on.
3. Make up dialogue for the characters as they speak. Try to keep it consistent with what they are doing. (This can also be a fun party game, with each guest taking on one of the roles.) See how long you can keep a coherent(ish) story going.
See, watching TV can be useful!