Entertainment Weekly recently ran a feature on the 50 smartest people in Hollywood. Actor Will Smith was among them and revealed his strategies for success—it seems to me that these could apply equally well to any careers. Here's that list with a few of my own comments and suggestions along the way:
SET A GOAL ''When I started in movies, I said, 'I want to be the biggest movie star in the world.' The biggest movie stars make the biggest movies, so [my producing partner James Lassiter and I] looked at the top 10 movies of all time. At that point, they were all special-effects movies. So Independence Day — no-brainer. Men in Black — no-brainer. I, Robot — no-brainer.''
What do you want to achieve? Think about the people who have already done that--what do they do? How? When?
PICK A ROLE MODEL ''Tom Hanks is the prototype of where I want to be. I admire how he is able to morph with the times and the audience. He is very savvy that way.''
In your field, can you think of a role model (dead or alive)? Can you study what they have done to achieve the things you admire?
WORK YOUR ASS OFF ''My father had a ridiculous work ethic. He started his own business. To him, kids were convenient employees. So from a really early age, I was working — and I was in charge.''
A simple question: are you working your ass off? If not, do you really want the goal enough? If not, maybe it's smarter just to recognize that it's not your first priority and make peace with that. If you do want it enough, how can you work harder and/or smarter?
MANAGE YOUR FEAR ''After [1999' s disappointment] Wild Wild West, I got scared and started choosing incorrectly. For me, I did Bad Boys II and Men in Black II out of fear. That was a bad time for me psychologically because I wasn't thinking the right way about filmmaking.''
Are you acting out of fear in any aspect of your life? Can you take a step back from the decisions you're about to make, to be certain that your feelings are leading you in the right direction? If you can't see the situation clearly, who can? Can you ask them?
STRETCH YOURSELF — ASAP ''The smartest move I ever made was Six Degrees of Separation. I was [thinking of] leaving The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and needed to set a tone. Separation was so far at the other end of the spectrum of anything I had done. It became easier for me to convince Jerry Bruckheimer that I could do Bad Boys. It blew open a world of possibilities for me.''
What would constitute a stretch for you? Is it time to consider it for the coming year?
You can access the list of fifty here: ew.com/ew/gallery/0,,20163012_45,00.html