In his company’s newsletter, Gregg Thompson, President of Bluepoint Leadership Development, writes about what needs to change for someone who wants to be a better leader, but it struck me that some of his points apply equally well to anyone who wants to be a better writer. Here's one:
“Be distinctively you. What would you get if you could put all of the leadership qualities of Bill Gates, Gandhi, Mother Theresa, George Washington, Jack Welch and Winston Churchill into one individual? Probably a bland, non-descript person indistinguishable in the crowd. These men and women made a difference because they had the courage to be themselves. Have you forgotten who you really are? What excites you these days? What are your passions? Your obsessions? Where do you want to make your mark? When you are at your best, what are you doing? Maybe it’s time to figure out what is most important to you, tell everyone around you, and let this fuel your leadership.”
If you make the last phrase “fuel your writing,” that also makes a lot of sense, doesn’t it?
His whole article is here (you may need to scroll down that page a bit to get to it).
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