I’m always looking for interesting examples of collaboration, and here’s a great one: the London office of ad agency Mother has let its creatives produce a quarterly graphic novel that is being distributed as an insert within Time Out magazine.
Mother creative Stuart Outhwaite said, “It’s an opportunity for all writers at Mother to come in and have a go; relief for the frustrated creatives who want to do things other than advertising.”
The swap is that the agency is reducing the fees it charges the magazine for work it does for it, and the magazine offers the pages for the agency’s project. The agency hopes to publish all the instalments (three more are planned) as a graphic novel that can be bought.
If you want to see the first instalment but don’t get Time Out, you can download “Four Feet from a Rat” here (use the "full screen" button at the bottom right of the screen to be able to read it).
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