Sorry if this depresses you, as it did me, but my friend Scott Newton alerted me to a site where you can buy books by the foot and by the color of their spines for decorative purposes. Here is part of their blurb:
Many people feel that it's silly to purchase books for pure
decorative value. While we certainly understand this, we also savor the
opportunity to change the mind of such individuals! Our books are so beautiful
on the outside that their interior ceases to be important. What's more, they
are available for purchase by the foot as well as the yard. In other words, no
more spending hours in used bookstores looking for space fillers. At Book
Décor, this process takes a matter of seconds! What this means is that you can make a measurement purchase with
confidence, knowing that your products will decoratively compliment one
They mean complement, not compliment, but I wouldn't expect anybody to know that if they think that the books' covers means that their "interior ceases to be important." I refuse to link to their site but if you want to buy some books by the yard, let me know and I'll ship out a few hundred copies of "Your Writing Coach." The spine has a very attractive little photo of the author--it'll look great on your shelf and will also improve the appearance of my next royalty statement. :-)