In an article in Writing Magazine, William G. Tapply suggested some questions to ask about your characters to be sure you know them inside-out. Here are a few of the most revealing and useful ones:
* What personal demons haunt him?
* What's her favorite type of music?
* What does she like to do to relax?
* Does he have any health problems?
* Who depends on him, and why?
Naturally not all of these will necessarily be revealed in your short story or novel, but knowing the answers can help you to make sure the characters are alive in your mind, and that will ensure they are alive on the page, too.
(for lots of crucial information on how to write fiction, get your own copy of "Your Writing Coach," published by Nicholas Brealey and available at online and offline sources; and for tips and techniques for being more creative and productive, sign up now for my free monthly Brainstorm e-bulletin--just send an email request to [email protected])