On his CNC blog,
ad man Donny Deutsch shared his principles of success. I thought it would be
interesting to give you one of these each day for five days. Don’t let their
simplicity fool you—the secret of making them work is to actually implement
them. Here’s his third principle, and an assignment I suggest:
3: NEVER TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER I've heard dozens of stories from successful entrepreneurs who kept going back time after time after hearing no. You'll never win if you take no for an answer. If you get 100 doors slammed in your face, go to door 101. Keep knocking until you find the person who will say yes to your dream.
Your assignment for today, should you choose to accept it: Identify the
next three people (agents, editors, publishers, or other) you will approach
with your project. When you have written the query letter or proposal, send it
out and identify the next three people you will approach if the current three
are not smart enough to see the potential of your project.
(for more tips and techniques on how to be more creative and productive, sign up for my free monthly Brainstorm e-bulletin. Just send an e-mail request now to [email protected])