If you look at my various sites (www.timetowrite.com, www.yourwritingcoach.com, www.focusquick.com, www.brainstormnet.com) as well as this blog, you'll see that I believe in giving away quite a lot of content. But can you give away so much that people are less motivated to buy what you're offering?
Maybe, and one example might be the excellent site, www.brainrules.net. It goes with the book, "Brain Rules: 12 principles for surviving and thriving at home, work, and school," written by John Medina. It includes a slide/video/audio presentation that gives the key facts about each of the twelve principles. There's also a blog that goes with the book. Great stuff--but after checking it all out, I wonder whether there's enough more in the book to justify buying it.
I'll check it out the next time I go to a book store. In the meantime, if you're interested in learning about how the brain works, visit the site--and maybe get the book. The experience might also give you some ideas about how much content you want to give away (or not) on your own website or blog.
(Another way to get information about how to use your brain to be more creative and productive is my free monthly Brainstorm e-bulletin. Just send an email request now to [email protected])