If you’re finding it challenging to keep your spirits up, you might find it helpful to listen to this Shrink Rap Radio interview with Richard O’Connor, author of “Happy at Last: The Thinking Person’s Guide to Finding Joy.” He talks to David Van Nuys, Ph.D. about how to make permanent changes in your happiness level—if you’re willing to make a conscious effort for at least three months. O’Conner is himself a life-long sufferer of depression and has written three books on that topic. You may also want to check out his site, www.undoingdepression.com. Here are a few of his points:
- We
have a happiness thermostat but can increase our level
- We
believe we will be happy when we get what we want but when we get it we
will only want something else very soon
- You
can get rich by earning a lot more money, or by wanting less (even though
the latter goes against our cultural training)
- One
way to increase happiness is to pay attention to the small pleasures and
beauties of life—in the moment, a grilled cheese sandwich can make you