I had fun the other day
doing a guest spot on the radio show, “McCauley and Company,” on BBC Radio
Scotland to promote my current book. No, I didn’t travel north, it was all
done via a link from BBC headquarters in Central London. It was a very relaxed
morning show, and the host mentioned the book title (“Focus: the power of
targted thinking”) a couple of times.
They’d told me that they’d ask for advice on how one of their listeners could achieve her goals. The one they picked was that she swears too much.
I suggested attaching a penalty to the behaviour—specifically, paying her spouse or children or a friend 50 pence each time she swore. She said, “You !x!!?, what kind of !x%!! stupid suggestion is that?” …No, she didn’t. But she didn’t seem too keen on handing over any money, either.
By the way, they’d emailed me a list of the questions they planned to ask, so I’d thought through all the answers carefully. Needless to say, what they actually asked was mostly different—and that’s par for the course when you do radio or TV.
--How to promote your writing using TV and radio is just one of the many topics I cover in my book, "Your Writing Coach," published by Nicholas Brealey and available from Amazon and other online and bricks and mortar book shops.