his coachcreativespace.com blog, creativity coach Dan Goodwin gave some tips
for how to create amidst the “imperfect chaos” of everyday life. The one I
think was best:
" Forgive yourself. Ultimately, the only person that tells you that you don’t create enough, or often enough, is you...It’s easy to get into an all or nothing mentality, and think if you can’t create for 25 hours a day then why bother creating at all?
It’s so important to be kind to yourself, and forgive yourself for not creating every second of the day, for making mistakes, for some days not creating at all. None of us is perfect. Yes, even you! Treat yourself as you would an artist friend - encourage, nurture, challenge, but forgive yourself your imperfections. They’re what makes you you, and means that no-one else creates like you create."
(for tips on how to be both more creative and more productive, sign up for my free monthly Brainstorm e-bulletin. Just send an email request now to [email protected])