Here are a few more tips on creative blocks and how to overcome them, as featured in the “Good to Know” magazine, which features contributions from artists and designers. You can buy the issue online either as a PDF or a hard copy here.
Now, three more tips:
“My biggest stumbling block to creativity is not prioritizing my workload and getting lost in small tasks that are not, at the moment, of the utmost importance.
What I’ve started doing again recently to help me stay on track is to keep a day planner. Not an electronic one, either…A regular paper planner is unmatched, in my opinion. It is like magic. It keeps me organized, prioritized and focused on the tasks at hand… and, by extension, my creativity greatly benefits from this orderly mindset!”
-- Kathy Weller
“My biggest stumbling block is doubt over my abilities and confusion over what the next step is. To overcome doubt I tell myself to breathe and to just continue working and “let’s just see what happens” and for confusion I set a list of priority to do tasks each day, make sure they are realistic goals, and take a couple of breathers in between them. It’s all a practice in progress.”
~ Racheal Anilyse
“To overcome feelings and thoughts of doubt in my creativity or potential, I now have learnt to recognise what I am feeling is just a thought not the truth, and to acknowledge them as that. By getting back in there and pushing through, new ideas come quickly and I feel inspired again.”
-- Nina O’Brien, Kindling
Reading all of the contributions makes clear that self-doubt is the biggest issue, and finding a way to forge ahead by reducing the pressure on yourself (maybe by having a break and getting some inspiration from nature, looking at the work of others, or just taking time to step back and gain perspective) is the answer.
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