I did an interview recently with Janice Day, a UK author whose new book is “How I Lost My Breast and Found Myself Getting It Off My Chest.” Wait, don’t let the title scare you, because unlike a typical “misery lit” book, this account mixes the painful and the serious with many flashes of humor and wit (hmm, just like life…). (update: the official title is "Getting It Off My Chest"--that's the one to Google or type into the Amazon search window if you want to find it.)
It’s written in a quirky style that darts all over the place, from childhood memories, to doctors’ records, to sexy daydreams about the doctor, to the life of a modern Mum—in fact, it’s a lot like talking to Janice herself! If you've felt too constrained by typical structure, have a look at this book, it might help you free up your mind.
I’ll be using the interview in my new “Creativity Rocket” podcast—more about that when it’s ready. In the meantime, if you’re a writer who is considering writing about your own experiences, Janice’s book makes a great model, and if not you’ll still find it a terrific read (published by Old Street Publishing, UK).
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