In Redbook magazine, Ty Wenger wrote about the “11 Don’t-Tell-the-Wife Secrets All Men Keep” (I read about it on line at WebMD). While I doubt it’s really pertinent to ALL men, it’s fun to consider and potentially a great spur for fiction writers in thinking about their male characters. Here are some of the 11:
Yes, we fall in lust 10 times a day—but it doesn’t mean we want to leave you.
We’re unnerved by the notion of commitment, even after we’ve made one to you.
Earning money makes us feel important.
We like it when you mother us but we’re terrified you’ll become your mother.
We’ll always wish we were 25 again.
(There's more information on developing great characters and plots in my book, "Your Writing Coach" - number one in authorship on Amazon.)