From the Shelf Awareness bulletin:
Cool idea of the day: for The Christmas Cookie Club by Ann Pearlman, a novel about a baker's dozen of women who meet the first Monday in December, bring cookies and talk about their lives, Atria is designating the first weekend in December as Christmas Cookie Weekend. People are encouraged to host their own Christmas Cookie Clubs and donate cookies to local charities. For more information, see the Facebook page created by Pearlman.
At the moment I'm brainstorming ideas for how to get some more attention for my newest book, "Creativity Now!" The Cookie story led to the idea of possibly sponsoring a contest for the most creative new way for charities to raise money in these tough times. Maybe I can get the publisher to kick in ten books of the recipient's choice (or even some prize money...).
If you're looking for ways to market a book or other product, what ideas does the item above (or my variation of it) provoke?
(If you need to market something, get my book, "Marketing for Entrepreneurs," published by Pearson, to go from idea through to a complete campaign.)