What a great problem to have.
But you say you can’t decide?
You start on one project and then halfway through decide another one would be better and start on that one?
And eventually you have a drawer full of half-finished ideas?
If that’s the case, the problem isn’t really that you have too many ideas, it’s that when the process becomes more difficult and your first draft isn’t matching your perfect vision of what the project could be, you give up and decide to start on the next thing that seems great.
Until you get halfway into it, at which point you have a new great idea and start on that one.
Your problem isn't that you're such a genius, it's that you use your new ideas to give you an excuse not to wrestle the old ones into submission. Sorry to be so blunt but I know this from personal experience.
No matter what.
Even if you become absolutely convinced that it’s a waste of time, the worst idea you or anybody ever had, stick with to the end.
That way the very least you will learn is to be more careful about what you commit to.
If new ideas pop into your mind while working on that project, jot them down. Then get back to work.
Most likely when you're done you’ll discover it’s not nearly as bad as you feared.
In fact, don’t be surprised if it’s rather good.
Then you can move on to your next great idea.
(One way to make sure you finish is to join my 60-day Breakthrough Strategy Program. You'll get weekly updates, teleconferences, and feedback and encouragement from me and the other participants. There's a group version and a one-to-one option. Find out what it can do for you at