asked a variety of big thinkers what life will be like in 2050. A few of the predictions:
* Much more massive cities, with changes that (like the internet) are basically invisible, so cities will not look that different
* The divisions between home and work life will fade away totalliy
* There will be a return to local crops and an emphasis on eating slow, real, local,and fresh.
Of course, pundits are notoriously bad at predicting the future. I can remember from the covers of magazines my father used to read that we should all have our own one-person helicopters now, or at the very least jet packs.
Video phones (in wristwatches) are long overdue but maybe the new iPhone moves us closer.
We should be eating flavorless food pellets (Chicken McNuggets?) and have a staff of robots at our beck and call.
Oh yeah, nobody should be going hungry, either, and there should be world peace.
What happened?