One problem solving and brainstorming method I've been playing with is changing the size of the problem. For instance, let's say the problem is that you can't find a publisher for your novel. First, let's make it larger:
I can't find a UK or US publisher for all my writing.
I can't find a publisher anywhere in the world.
I can't find a publisher anywhere in the universe.
I can't find a publisher anywhere on the time-space continuum.
Now let's make it smaller. I think it's important to do both of these before you start seeing if they bring up anything useful--otherwise the voice of Judgment comes in too soon!
I can't find a publisher for my full-length novel.
I can't find a publisher for my novella.
I can't find a publisher of my short story.
I can't find a publisher for my article.
I can't find a publisher for my leaflet.
I can't find a publisher for my postage stamp.
OK, that's the silly part done. Now let's go back and see whether this brings up anything useful.
Publisher anywhere in the world -- investigate whether a foreign publisher might acquire the book (do they do this, or do they only acquire translation rights once a book has been published in English? I don't know--worth checking.)
Publisher anywhere in the universe -- investigate possibility of publishing on the web first.
Publisher anywhere in the time-space continuum -- can the book somehow be tied into an upcoming major event? (Olympics, elections, impending doom of planet?)
Publisher for short story or novella -- is there a literary magazine that might take part of it to get some exposure?
Publisher for article -- would it help to get a factual article related to the main topic published? Or a non-fiction book? Could it be possible to pioneer a new format--the factual book & the novel packed together in one volume? Could work for a book that takes place in a major city--half the book is a guidebook, half is the novel. Might be easier in ebook read the novel while you're on the plane... [As you can see, I'm getting away from the 'article' idea but the point of all this is just to get your thinking flowing.]
Publisher for a leaflet / postage stamp: Would it makes sense as a graphic novel (the postage stamp suggest an image)?
If you're stuck, try changing the size of your thinking!
(Other methods for being more creative are in my most recent book, "Creativity Now!" as well as in the recent second edition of "Focus: use the power of targeted thinking to get more done." Both are published by Pearson and available from Amazon or your other favorite online or offline retailer.)