As you may have noticed, I'm very interested in how we can be more productive, but I'm going to suggest only one strategy for your New Year's writing resolution. Actually, I lie, as a PS I'll add one more, but let's get to the main one. It has 3 simple steps:
1. Decide on the one main thing you want to achieve this year. It could "finish my novel," or "write my non-fiction book proposal and sell it to a publisher," or anything else.
2. Write this goal on a piece of paper and put it where you will see it every day--especially at the start of each day.
3. Every day, decide what you will do that day to move toward that goal. Some days you may have an hour or more to dedicate to that project. Other days you may have no time, but spend at least five minutes just thinking about the project and noting down anything you think of. If you don't think of anything, that's OK, you've put in your time.
This method prevents you from the common problem of not having time to work on a project and then just sort of letting it fade and realizingly only weeks or months later that you've given it up by default.
PS: OK, one more: consider joining my Writing Breakthrough Strategy Program--get the details now at
(There are lots of useful and practical time management tips in my book, "Focus: use the power of targeted thinking to get more done.")