This is an exchange from an interview The Hollywood Reporter did with the Coen brothers:
EC: In the silent films, they had a story conference where they actually brought in a guy called the “Wildie,” which was a lunatic, not a figurative lunatic but a guy --
JC: Someone from the insane asylum who’d sit at the story table.
EC: He’d interrupt with just insane eruptions that had nothing to do with anything, and the writers would go, “Oh, yes, right. We could, y’know…”
THR: Where was this?
EC: This was at the Max Roach Studio.
JC: No, Hal Roach. Max Roach didn’t need a Wildie.[note: that's Hal, at left]
EC: You can sometimes treat studio notes that way too. Although sometimes you get studio notes where you go, “OK.” Sometimes – well, a good idea is a good idea. You don’t want to be snobby about where you take them from.
JC: Even if it comes from the studio.
You can be your own Wildie, although it's a bit harder. Once in a while, brainstorm and promise yourself to entertain crazy thoughts about your work. Write them down, then consider whether any are worth implementing or whether they prompt other, less crazy, ideas that you can put to use.