You know more than you know you know, and the smartest people access this hidden knowledge. For example, about 60% of top business leaders say they rely on their intuition when making important decisions (although the males preferred to call it “gut feelings”--maybe “intuition” wasn’t macho enough).
An easy way to access this kind of information is to use sentence completion. As quickly as possible, complete the sentences below. No thinking, just answering!
One thing I could do today to help me make more progress with my writing is____________________________.
The biggest obstacle I’m facing right now is____________.
The best way to overcome this obstacle is______________.
One person who could help me is______________________.
The best way they could help me is____________________.
You may want to print or copy these and keep them handy for anytime you feel a bit stuck.
(There are loads more writing and creativity tips in my books, "Your Writing Coach," published by Nicholas Brealey and "Creativity Now!" published by Pearson.)