This is one of the most powerful time-savers in this entire series. If you need something, ask.
If you need research information, call an expert and ask.
If you need a weekend day free to write, ask your family. Make it up to them the next day.
If you need to have somebody stop being condescending toward your writing, ask. (In this case, telling may be necessary if asking doesn’t work.)
You get the idea. For some reason, most of us are perfectly happy to help others when they ask, but we’re reluctant to ask.
As your mother said, the worst thing that can happen is they say no. And if it’s somebody you’ve helped out a lot and when for once it’s you who needs some help or support and they don’t give it, then it’s time to ask yourself to get some new friends.
(One thing to ask for right now is a copy of my book, "Focus: use the power of targeted thinking to get more done." You can ask at Amazon or your other online or offline book seller.)