Some time ago I did a coaching session with a woman who had excellent ideas and time to start writing, but she found herself blocked and couldn’t understand why. It took a while, but eventually the reason emerged and while it may strike you as strange I have a hunch if affects quite a few people.
It was a fear of success but not in the usual way.
Some people worry that if they are successful their friends will be jealous, or it may bring in money they won’t know how to handle, or they may not like being in the spotlight. This woman’s issue was different. She’s wanted to write since she was in her 20’s, now she’s in her mid-40’s. She was worried that if she was successful now, it would prove that she’d wasted the previous twenty years of her life.
There’s a kind of logic to that fear, but it’s flawed. She wouldn’t have been able to write at 25 what she can write at 45. Her life experience will add depth to her writing.
If this resonates with you at all, it may be that in the back of your mind there’s a similar fear. If so, it can help to confront it and to understand that wherever you are now, it took your experience to get you here. If you’re ready now, celebrate that fact rather than regretting that you weren’t ready earlier. Get started today.
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