I’ve worked out an exercise schedule for myself and today called for me to do 45 minutes of cardio.
When the time came, my creativity blossomed.
I was able to come up with a great list of why it would be better to stay at my desk, why 45 minutes is too long a session anyway, how I could make up the time later…
I got myself to go by promising that if I was totally worn out after 30 minutes I’d go home. When I hit 30 minutes, I realized I could make it to 35. When I got to 35, 40 didn’t seem out of reach. And when I hit 40 I thought I might as well hit the goal rather than stopping five minutes short.
It’s disappointing that this often is how progress looks.
Uphill and sweaty.
Showing up, doing the best you can, pushing yourself a little at a time.
I’d prefer it to be glamorous. Waving a banner, or getting to wear a coat of armour (although I’d have to ask for it in Extra Tall), or having a small crowd cheering me on. OK, a large crowd.
No, that’s not how it looks.
Furthermore, although there are times when you can build up momentum, generally the challenges of tomorrow offer their temptations to avoid them. I’m not saying there’s no fun along the way, there is. But it’s not a party every day and when you get to the top of a hill what you see is…more hills.
I’ve noticed a lot of people, especially when they’re interviewed, pretend they got to the top of their hill on a white stallion. I bet most of the time they got there on a reluctant donkey just like you and me.
I have to go, the donkey's waiting.