The Kindle lists continue to be creative with their categories. Here are some of the books listed in their “best-selling non-fiction” section--yes, non-fiction:
1. The Holy Bible, English Standard Version
Crossway Bibles 4.1 out of 5 stars
OK, Christmas is not the time to debate whether this one is in the right category, but assuming that it’s rated mostly by believers who say it’s the Word of God, how come it has only a 4.1 rating? What are they saying—God could have chosen better similes? It sags in the middle? The ending is too open-ended?
The story of how the inventor of the Angry Birds Game has founded a new religion called Birdeology, based on the revelation that thousands of years ago alien pigs came to earth and tried to steal all the bird eggs. The highest levels of knowledge of Birdeology are restricted to only the most popular film stars who haven't already been snapped up by Scientology.
7. The Mouse and the Christmas Cake (ILLUSTRATED)
A searing expose of animal abuse, considering the amount of sugar in that cake.
Documenting an early version of “Big Brother,” in which a disparate group of people are sent to live in a remote moorland farmhouse. Each week they have to perform a different fun challenge (e.g., Heathcliff has to be a servant instead of a member of the family, Catherine has to spy on the family without being caught by the dog, Heathcliff has to escape from a locked attic). Daringly, it ends with the death of one of the players.