I am again teaching a series of five evening workhshops for Raindance in central London. They're suitable for writers of novels as well as screenplays at any level of experience. There's a discount if you sign up for all of them but you can also attend individual ones. The topics are:
Monday, Nov. 5: How to create an endless flow of ideas
Monday, Nov. 12: How to create characters that come alive
Monday, Nov. 19: How to go beyond the plot templates to tell unique stories
Monday, Nov. 26: How to find the time and confidence to write
Monday, Dec. 3: Guerrilla warfare for the writer (how to market what you write)
You can get more information and sign up for all the sessions or for individual ones here: http://www.raindance.org/course/the-script-coach-series/
If you have further questions, email me at jurgenwolff (at) gmail.com.