Your teachers may have told you to throw away your chewing gum but it turns out it might be just the thing when you want to activate your brain and get writing.
Researchers at Japan’s National Institute of Radiological Sciences report that regular gum chewers experience increased alertness, more thinking power, and faster reaction times.
The theory is that chewing may lead to a temporary increase in blood flow to the brain. Their scans showed that chewing gum affected up to eight areas of the brain.
If you decide to try it, you might want to go sugarless, but don’t overdo it—some dentists have warned that the sugar substitutes can increase mouth acidity, which can be bad for your tooth enamel. The fruit-flavored gum is the worst offender.
(Need to focus? Get my book, "Focus: use the power of targeted thinking to get more done." It's published by Pearson and available now from Amazon or your other favorite book seller.)