In this series I'm sharing what I consider to be ten essential truths about creativity (taken from my Creativity Manifesto, published in the book, Creativity Now). Today: you've had an's crazy but it might just work!
Every breakthrough is considered a crackpot idea at first.
Of course, some ARE crackpot ideas.
You can’t tell the difference until you transform the idea into something real.
Just about every breakthrough idea seemed impractical or even crazy at first. Usually it was the perseverence of one person that brought the idea to life and, in some cases, changed the world.
Of course there is the possibility that your idea will indeed turn out to be unworkable. It may be ahead of its time. Or behind its time. Or something that will never have a time. That risk comes with being a creative person--or, rather, a creative person who takes action instead of just thinking.
Thinking without action is fun. It's called daydreaming. For most people, that's as far as they go. Then,when somebody else actualiy creates something similar, they enjoy telling their friends they had that same idea. Quite likely they did. What they didn't have is the drive and the willingness to take a risk and work hard to put that idea into action. That's why the person who did gets the attention, praise, and (sometimes) fortune, and they don't.
If you believe your idea is worthwhile, don't let it be just a daydream. Make it happen. It might be crazy or it might be crazy good.
(My book, Creativity Now, helps you develop a mindset that favors creativity, shows you methods for generating more ideas, gives you tools for translating your ideas into action, and inspires you with case studies of how others have achieved their creative goals. It's published by Pearson and available from Amazon or your other favorite book seller.)