This is the tenth and final post in a series of ideas about creative success. The good news is that there's only one way to fail:
You can fail only if you stop.
If on the last day of your life you still aren’t on the N. Y. Times best-seller list or your blog has only 99 passionate followers, or you never quite got the hang of rhyme scheme, so what?
If you believed in what you were doing, you probably had a hell of a ride.
That’s what it’s all about.
Isn't it?
I welcome your comments about this or any of the other ideas in this series.
(My book, Creativity Now, helps you develop a mindset that favors creativity, shows you methods for generating more ideas, gives you tools for translating your ideas into action, and inspires you with case studies of how others have achieved their creative goals. It's published by Pearson and available from Amazon or your other favorite book seller.)