Frank Mouse, above, is convinced that what's held him back is that he's not as cute as Mickey Mouse. His ears are too small, so are his pupils, and his hand is badly drawn. He believes that's why he's not famous and he's pretty bitter about it.
Is he right? I don't know, but I do know that excuses are the easiest thing in the world to find.
I'm an expert. I can give you plenty of reasons why I'm not farther along in reviving my Spanish, my transmedia project is on hold, and my script rewrite isn't done.
But, as I said in my last post, we do what we really consider most important at the time, so this post isn't about doing more.
It's about giving up excuses. I've found that when I accept my excuses they get stronger and more persistent. It's harder to give them up even when I don't need them any more. They seem to have become facts rather than useful temporary fictions. And, worst of all, they shift responsiblity away from where it belongs--with us.
We can do a lot with what we have, even if our ears are too small (or too big) as long as we don't let our excuses convince us otherwise.
I might even animate Frank some time, small ears and all. He will never be Mickey but he might be an interesting Frank.
What about you? Do you have excuses it might be good to give up?