Michael Morpurgo has written many acclaimed children's books, most notably War Horse which of course led to the play and movie. In this nine minute long video he talks about how voyages have influenced his writing.
YouTube videos now include transcripts. In this case for some reason around 1minute 14 seconds the transcript descends into a kind of poetic gibberish. Here's a little sample with just a few bits of punctuation added:
And the man said "Yeah I thought it was a thought!"
It was, but back to chairman said light
"With this International Space Station the airline says bo,
be nice to talk to them crew,"
announced as emailed back to accordance: it is a look
good luck to all those guys!
And back in Sydney a savant well as nasa
like Nelson space agency in them,
"America we want to talk those astronauts!"
These two old Australian gets out in the ocean
sipping nakedness ;
Want to talk to those
and so nasa you phoned astral.
Maybe I should submit that to some poetry magazines...