Looking back at how much you've written this year or the response to what you wrote may leave you feeling disappointed or disheartened.
People who dare to dream big are more likely to encounter setbacks and disappointments than those who dream small. Is that enough reason to give up? (Hint: No.)
Seldom is the road to success straight and smooth. For example:
The first novel of the late, great Elmore Leonard was rejected 84 times.
Every major publisher turned down the first novel of Wilbur Smith and he nearly gave up writing. His books have sold 84 million copies.
Record-breaking yachtswoman Ellen MacArthur sent out 2500 requests for sponsorship. Number of replies: 2.
The parting words of J. K. Rowling's publisher to her after their first lunch meeting: "You'll never make any money out of children's books, Jo."
Maybe this year life got in your way or you got in your own way. No matter. A new year approaches, another chance to get it right or at least better. And perhaps there is truth in the saying that it is better to travel hopefully than to arrive.
(If writing a book is part of your plan for 2014, the journey can be made easier by my book, "Your Writing Coach," published by Nicholas Brealey and available from Amazon or your other favorite bookseller.)