Here's a writing contest for unpublished writers and you probably already have something that would make a good entry. It's sponsored by WriteStars and here are the key points:
‘Capture our imagination in up to 300 words by writing the first paragraph(s) of the first chapter of a novel, or story – on any subject, in any genre.
They are looking for colour, originality, and a fascinating new voice – a beginning that makes them want to read on … and on …
First prize: £100. Second prize: £50.
The entry fee is £2.50 – with £1 from every entry going to the literacy charity Children in Crisis.
Please remember to include your contact details.
Entrants must be unpublished writers, and entries must be original.
Winning entries will be published on
Enter at [email protected], or by post at WriteStars ‘Chapter One’ Competition, 43 Berkeley Square, London. W1J 5FJ.
Entry fee of £2.50 payable by PayPal on their site, or by cheque made out to WriteStars Ltd sent to their registered Berkeley Square address.
Please visit the website for full rules, terms and conditions or contact them and they’ll send you a copy by post.