This is the time of year when people think about their lives and what, if anything, they want to change. Sometimes changing one's view of the world is more powerful than moving to a different continent or changing jobs. See if any of these observations by the wise Stoic philosopher, Epictetus, ring a bell for you:
"Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants."
"First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do."
"Man is not worried by real problems so much as by his imagined anxieties about real problems."
"Who are these people by whom you wish to be admired? Are they not these whom you are in the habit of saying they are mad? What then? Do you wish to be admired by the mad?"
"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."
"If you would be a reader, read; if a writer, write."
"No great thing is created suddenly."
“Most of what passes for legitimate entertainment is inferior or foolish and only caters to or exploits people's weaknesses. Avoid being one of the mob who indulges in such pastimes. Your life is too short and you have important things to do."
"He who laughs at himself never runs out of things to laugh at."