In the previous post I wrote about how films can help improve people's relationships. Of course there's another side to the use of film: indoctrination. A current example is a Disney kids' series that features a Ladybug with a camera mounted on her, who monitors children's every move and alerts the authorities when something is amiss. Like a chld not wearing a seat belt, for instance.
Or maybe Daddy peeking at some naughty program online?
Or the housekeeper mentioning that she's in the oountry illegally?
Or Junior saying he doesn't like the government?
I had to double-check that this is for real, but apparently it is. Have a look, and be sure to stay with it past the opening song (the video is about 3.5 minutes long in all):
Hey kids, haven't you always wanted a Big Brother who will look out for you? Well, he's here!
Coming soon: Terry the Terrior Tears Up the Constitution