The Zen Habits blog listed ten questions that can help you take action. In this series of posts I suggest how to apply those specifically to writing more. You can easily adapt them to drawing or whatever other creative activity you'd like to increase.
2. Will you commit to doing this for a month?
If you make the actions small enough you will be able to advance your writing every day. On days that you have more time you can do more but the point is to do something every day for one month.
Not only may you be surprised at how much work you've done at the end of the month but you will feel positive about yourself and your determination to be a writer (that is, a person who writes, not just one who dreams and talks about it).
Even if you are already pretty productive, this can give you e a big boost.
Remember, the point is not that you shouldn't take time off to relax and restore your energy; on days off you can do five minutes and stop but it helps you keep up the momentum and sense of dedication. After the month you'll know whether you want to keep going...I'm betting you will.