This is a little experiment in flash fiction, using photos by a very talented photographer, Ryan McGuire, who generously lets people use his images without charge - you can find them at Gratisgraphy. The idea is to craft a story in 100 words or less. If you'd like to have a go, write a story to go with this picture, 100 words maximum, and put it in the comments section.
Leaving Duke
"Oh come on, Duke, don't give me that look. I didn't mean for it to happen. She had a slap coming, it was the way she fell on the hard floor that did it. She was always clumsy. Right? Anyway, buddy, I gotta leave you behind, it's too easy to find a guy travelling with a dog. This is all her damn fault! I'm gonna miss you,dude...Shit, I'm starting to cry."
words: Jurgen Wolff / Image: Ryan McGuire