There are lots of ways to tell a story. In this case, it's a location, a loan shop where kids can get loans when, for instance, their parents have cut off their allowances. The annual interest rate is only 5000%. Don't believe me? Here's a photo of the shop at 77 Stroud Green Road, London:
Yes, it's a joke, but one with a message. The artist behind it, Darren Cullen, wants to call attention to the fact that kids are targeted all the time by marketers, so this may be the logical conclusion.
Huffington Post quoted Cullen: “Marketers are putting kids in MRI scanners and showing them adverts to see which areas of the brain light up to certain words, colours or shapes. There is a giant industry of incredibly smart psychologists and advertisers who are using every advance of modern science to make your child feel like they need and love certain products and brands.”
At the same time, actual loan shops (for adults) have cartoon mascots, jingles, and bright colors to make the whole thing seem fun (and distract people from the exorbitant interest rates they're paying).
I like this because it demonstrates another way to tell a story. The Shop will be open until November 8, 2014.
You can find out more at Cullen's website: